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“I have heard it said that if we want to make God laugh, tell Him our plans”

Denise Wheatle was always the woman that had a song to sing or maybe even a poem to recite.  She was either singing in groups, praise teams (New Birth Bible Church, Center of Hope L.A.), choirs or writing music.  Writing a book however… wasn’t even on her radar. So that alone shows that God had other plans. 

A craftsman and handyman is what He has been to her!  Writing a book in the midst of a “belly experience” seemed out of order.  But, it was the very thing God used to catapult her onto a road that He had purposed!

She enjoys God’s sunshine in sunny Southern California, where she was an educator in the California school system for 17 years.  Being a PK, or preacher’s kid, she grew up in church.  When the doors were open, she was there.  So that had a lot to do with her upbringing. 

However, God didn’t become real to her until her end of high school/beginning of college years.  This began a journey!  This began a journey that would not only reveal her, but Him!  This began a journey where she realized that her true purpose is only found in God!  This began a journey that continues to this day, and will continue to the end!  Why?  Because in any relationship, the parties are ever evolving.  However, God doesn’t change!  But, our understanding of who He is does.  Therefore, we change because we learn more about Him, and in turn we learn about ourselves.  She is allowing herself to be used by Him however He sees fit.  She aims to bring awareness to Him and healing to those who read her literary works. 

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“Welcome to Prairie Bay International School! We are a Title 1 school. My
name is Lesley Smith. I am a second grader. I am 7 years old, but I turn 8 in
March! I LOVE my school, and I love my teacher Ms. Daily, she wears the
prettiest clothes and she has brown, super curly hair…just like me! I love my
friends Kelly, Sofia, Malcolm, and Shunyuan, and guess what…Today is the first day of school! I’m always a little nervous the first day, but I don’t know why. All the teachers are the same, and I know them all. I know most of the other kids, but still…on that first day…I can feel the butterflies moving around in my stomach.” There are so many emotions and there are many expectations. New classrooms mean slightly different rules. The first day of school can be, well, weird! As we read this wonderful book written by Denise Wheatle, a former teacher of 17 years, let’s go with Lesley and her friends as they learn how to interact with peers as well as teachers on the first days of school.

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